
This page was last updated 24th February 2025 

The Lake Kaniere Community Association (LKCA) started an organised, community-wide trapping programme in late 2024 to protect our birds from introduced predator species. The long term aims and principles of the programme are explained in the Overview page above and the more detailed document linked from that page.

Thanks to the generosity of LKCA members 121 traps were intially funded, built and put in place across the public Kahikatea Walk and Hans Bay Islands, and many residential backyards, by February 2025. The traps are cleared and re-lured by community volunteers on a monthly schedule.

Stories from our regular trapping and monitoring activities are also being shared in our Trapping blog and results reported here on the Trap.NZ site

The LKCA is now raising funds to expand the trapping and monitoring across more of the public access areas including more of the Kahikatea Walk, Canoe Cove, the Water Race and more of the scenic reserve around Hans Bay, the Landing and Sunny Bight. We're excited to be supporting the increased involvement of young people, particularly in monitoring and statistical reporting activities, from the Westland area.

To make donations to support the expansion and maintenance of our trapping and monitoring programme:

  • Direct credit our account:

Lake Kaniere Community Association
ANZ A/C 06-0665-0588689-00
Reference (Birds for Life)


  • Use this "Donate" button below for multiple payment options:

(Note: The button takes you to a trusted free third party donation platform. It contains an option to also donate to the platform provider using a slider bar. You can set the bar as low as zero, but a small donation to them is encouraged.)