Weed control

Plants escaping from private property and spreading into the Scenic Reserve transform from one person’s treasure into weeds and we feel there is an obligation on property owners to prevent this from happening.

Our Weedbusters group was formed with the goal of identifying and eradicating escaped weeds and playing an instructive role where possible.
We are interested in small ground-cover plants like Wandering Willy, right up to large trees like the purple flowered rhododendron (Ponticum) which can expand into acre-sized outcrops.

The Weed Directory below identifies the most common weeds found around Lake Kaniere that we ask all members of the Association to watch out for and assist with the control of these weeds. Suggested controls include:

  • Ideally dig plant out and place in rubbish bin.
  • Montbretia has bulbs which need to be removed and placed in the rubbish bin.
  • Use Roundup for weeds with grass-shaped shaped leaves.
  • Try Kiwicare Turfclean spray for weeds with rounded leaves.
  • Use Tordon or Gazon spray for woody weeds e.g.Gorse and Blackberry.
  • Bushy plants carrying seeds: cut at ground level, place in rubbish bin, apply Vigilant to the stump.
  • Bushy plants without seeds: cut at ground level, leave cuttings on ground, apply Vigilant to stump.

To join the Weed Busters group, or to get support for controlling weeds on your property, please contact Ian Anderson on 021 332387.

Lotus pedunculatus

Common name: Lotus.

Invasiveness: Not a major concern; mainly a garden weed and pasture species.

Control: Spray with Glyphosate* at label rates, or pull out by hand in small areas.



Rhododendron ponticum

Common name: Rhododendron 'Sir Robert Peel'.

Invasiveness: Very invasive tree weed. Seeds beneath and replaces native bush by producing toxic phenols and diterpenes.

Control: Cut, drill, and fill with Glysophate*.



Lilium tigrinum

Common name: Tiger lily.

Invasiveness: Moderately invasive in open areas.

Control: Spray with Escort or similar, or pull out by hand and dispose to landfill.



Iris feotidissima

Common name: Stinking iris

Invasiveness: Not sure if this is the correct ID for the plant in this photo. See more information at http://www.weedbusters.co.nz.

Control: Spray with Escort or pull out by hand.


Cotoneaster simonsii

Common name: Khasia berry.

Invasiveness: One of the most invasive cotoneasters. Spread by birds. Moderately shade-tolerant.

Control: Cut stems at ground level and apply herbicide (e.g., Vigilant gel, 10% glyphosate*). Spray smaller plants with Escort or similar.



Buddleja davidii

Common name: Buddleia.

Invasiveness: Very invasive in riverbeds and gravelly areas. Spread by fine seed.

Control: Cut stems at ground level and apply herbicide (e.g., Vigilant gel, 10% glyphosate*). Spray smaller plants with Escort or similar.



Zantedeschia aethiopica "Green Goddess"

Common name: Arum lily ("Green Goddess" variety).

Invasiveness: Very invasive variety of arum lily. Spread by bird-dispersed seeds and dumping.

Control: Very hard to kill. Try cutting off the stems and applying Vigilant gel.



Leycesteria formosa

Common name: Himalayan honeysuckle.

Invasiveness: Invasive in open areas, scrub, and disturbed forest but not very tolerant of shade. Spread rapidly by birds.

Control: Spray all foliage with glyphosate*, Escort, or similar.



Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora

Common name: Montbretia.

Invasiveness: Invasive along riverbanks and roadsides. A problem in gardens.

Control: Dig out all bulbs (this is difficult to achieve, however), and dispose at landfill. Otherwise, spray with Glyphosate* or Escort. Some follow-up will probably be needed.



Tradescantia fluminensis


Common name: Wandering Jew/Willie.

Invasiveness: Very invasive and shade-tolerant. Ground cover suppresses regeneration and invades forest floor. Spread by plant fragments.

Control: Hand-pull small areas, but be very thorough and dispose to landfill. Spray foliage with Grazon (easy and effective).



Hypericum androsaemum

Common name: Tutsan.

Invasiveness: Moderately invasive. Berries spread by birds.

Control: Spray with Glyphosate* or Escort. Do not pull out by hand, as brittle root will break and regrow.



Hypericum kouytchense

Common name: None.

Invasiveness: Moderately invasive. Spread by fine seeds (no berries).

Control: Spray with Glyphosate* or Escort. Do not pull out by hand, as brittle root will break and regrow.



Lonicera japonica

Common name: Japanese honeysuckle.

Invasiveness: Very invasive climber. Berries spread into forested areas by birds, or by cuttings in dumped garden rubbish.

Control: Cut at ground level and apply Vigilant gel to stem, or spray all foliage with glyphosate* or Escort.



Solanum chenopodioides

Common name: Velvety nightshade.

Invasiveness: Not a major problem. Spread by birds into disturbed scrub and forest margins.

Control: Pull out by hand and leave to rot, or spray with glyphosate*.



Calystegia silvatica

Common name: Greater bindweed.

Invasiveness: Moderately invasive climber, spread mostly by garden rubbish dumping (fragments).

Control: Spray with Escort.



* Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup and a number of other similar products.